Методичні напрацювання

Сучасне аудіювання на уроках англійської мови (систематизація матеріалів інтернет-ресурсу www.bbclearningenglish)

Ничипорчук Людмила Миколаївна, вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст першої категорії Рівненського економіко-правового ліцею.
Методична розробкаСучасне аудіювання на уроках англійської мови (систематизація матеріалів інтернет-ресурсу www.bbclearningenglish)”.

Методична розробка містить матеріал для роботи над розвитком мовленнєвої компетенції з аудіювання.
Автентичність текстів, їхня доступність за змістом і мовним матеріалом дозволяють використовувати цей посібник  для розвитку навичок аудіювання у старшій школі згідно програмних тем.

Схвалено до друку науково-методичною радою Рівненського економіко-правового ліцею (протокол №3 від 29.01.2014)
Аудіювання – єдиний вид мовленнєвої діяльності, під час якої від суб’єкта, який виконує діяльність нічого не залежить. Слухач, на відміну від хто пише, говорить чи читає, не має можливості вплинути на хід процесу, полегшити своє завдання, створити сприятливі умови для сприймання інформації. На відміну, на приклад, від читача, який має можливість перечитати повідомлення кілька разів аж до повного розуміння змісту, слухач прослуховує інформацію, як правило, один раз. Читач сам може обрати швидкість читання, довільно зробити паузу. Цього позбавлений слухач, якому доводиться оперувати запропонованим темпом та безперервним потоком інформації, а пауза може призвести до втрати частини повідомлення, що поступило під час паузи. Нарешті, читач може користуватися додатковою літературою, перекладати, аналізувати прочитане, тоді як у слухача такої можливості немає. Таким чином, читач може створити собі сприятливі умови, які полегшують процес і дають можливість читати досить довгий час не викликаючи перевтоми. Натомість, аудіювання вимагає напруженої психічної діяльності і не має таких сприятливих умов, що викликає швидку втому і відключення уваги слухача, особливо коли зміст повідомлення не цікавий для слухача.
         Одним з способів вирішення цієї проблеми в процесі вивчення мови професійного спрямування – це використання цікавих пізнавальних автентичних текстів професійного спрямування. Такі тексти несуть цікаву та корисну інформацію і допомагають значно підсилити інтерес слухача та сконцентрувати його увагу на повідомленні, що в результаті якісно сприяє оптимізації процесу аудіювання.
         Інтернет ресурс www.bbclearningenglish пропонує цікаві та, головне, сучасні тексти для вдосконалення компетенцій з аудіювання. Окрім самих текстів, можна також скористатися розділом Did you know?, в якому присутні додаткові культурні та мовні факти тієї чи іншої теми.
         Посібник містить аудіо- та відео- матеріали, вправи для опрацювання нових лексичних одиниць.
Ничипорчук Л.М. 

І. Holidays...................................................................... 7

1.     Christmas gifts:Is it best to give or
receive presents?.................................................. 7
2.     Christmas lights.................................................... 9
3.     Pumpkin art........................................................ 11

II. Personality and Relationship.................................... 13
1.     What’s your personality..................................... 13
2.     Who is your friend.............................................. 15
3.     What do you look for in a relationship?............. 17
III. Eating out................................................................ 19
1.     Eating insects...................................................... 19
2.     What is best coffee or tea?.................................. 21
IV. Mass Media............................................................. 23
1.     How important is television in your life?........... 23
V. Environment............................................................ 25
1. One billion people don’t have enough to eat... 25
2. Great Barrier Reef under threat....................... 27
3. Koalas at risk.................................................. 28
VI. Sport....................................................................... 29
1 .Boxing............................................................. 29
2. What do you do to keep fit.............................. 31
VII. Being a Student...................................................... 33
1.     Culture shock for Amazon student................. 33
2.     University life................................................. 35
VIII. Science and Technology........................................ 37
1.     How do you feel about computer games......... 37
2.     Train of the future.......................................... 39
3.     Space robot.................................................... 41
IX. Web sites................................................................. 43

Christmas gifts:Is it best to give or receive presents?
I am a very generous person. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to
give people presents.
It's not just about physical presents but there is the emotional side of giving presents, being together, the satisfaction from giving people presents and receiving presents.
I think it is rewarding to give as well. To make someone else happy is always a nice feeling if you care about them.
Sometimes I think the giving is more fun. You pick something that you think that's pretty perfect for someone. I think it's always nice and exciting to watch their reaction when they see it. So sometimes that's more fun than getting a gift yourself.
What's the worst gift you've ever received?
Probably socks or something, something really generic and
probably pulled out of their closet at the last minute. Probably regifted
Did you know?
The Christmas tree was first popularised in Britain by Prince Albert in the 19th century, who brought the tradition over from Germany.
Language tip
The humorous expression 'like turkeys voting for (an early) Christmas' is used when someone accepts a situation which will have a negative outcome for them.
Cultural tip
Mistletoe is a plant that grows on the branches of some trees and is used in Britain and the United States as a Christmas decoration. People often kiss under it. Some hold the superstition that failing to kiss someone ensures a year of loneliness.

Christmas lights

 Meet David Richards - the leading light when it comes to Christmas decorations.
The Australian has set a new world record for the most Christmas lights attached to a family home.
Friends and neighbours in suburban Canberra have been coming to see the half million bulbs which light up the property.
His electricity bill will be higher than usual, but a local power company is playing Father Christmas and supporting his project.


leading light an important and respected person or group in a particular field
world record the best achievement in the world in a particular field
bulbs sealed glass devices which produce light
light up illuminate
electricity bill payment made to a power company for the energy used


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.

Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

leading light / world record / bulbs / light up / electricity bill

1. An eruption from Mount Etna __________ the night sky over much of eastern Sicily late on Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday.
2. Mr Sietas did hold another free-diving __________ for the longest underwater swim on one breath until that was broken by Goran Colak from Croatia who swam 273m during a 2011 competition in Italy.

3. In one school, just 10km (six miles) from Rangoon, I saw a couple of fluorescent light __________. But I was told they only worked if attached to a car battery.

4. South Africans have been paying tribute to one of the __________ of the anti-apartheid movement, Albertina Sisulu, who has died aged 92.

5. Petrol prices went up by 44% while diesel prices rose by 22%, leading to higher transportation costs and __________.  

Pumpkin art

Dragons, wolves, princesses…
All these intricate designs are in fact carved from pumpkins.
Making creepy lanterns is a favourite Halloween pastime for many families.
But for Noel Dickover in Virginia in the US, it's more than that.
It's a chance to create beautiful, ephemeral art.
And share his fondness for Star Wars characters.


intricate very detailed in design
creepy strange and unpleasant in a way that makes you feel frightened
pastime something you do regularly for enjoyment in your free time
 ephemeral lasting only for a short time
fondness liking, preference


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

intricate / creepy / pastime / ephemeral / fondness

1. Some think of the eel as a _________, slimy creature. Others consider it the best health food in the world.
2. Videos of cats online have come to symbolise the internet community's _________ for amusing quick-hit entertainment.

3. Whether or not it moves into the mainstream, advances in 3D printing technology are certainly allowing more and more _________ objects to be made, by a vast array of designers - from architects to fashion students.

4. India is thought to be the birthplace of chess, with the game emerging from a 6th century _________ called chaturanga.

5. "Try and think of things that are _________ and will change. When you are eating, photograph the meal, if you are going out to the supermarket, photograph that as well."

Personality and Relationship
What’s Your Personality

Here's what people in London said:
Some people are always thinking of new ways of doing things. How true is that for you?
"Fairly true. Yeah, I like to think of new ways of doing things. I like to use open-source software on my computer. I don’t like to stick to the sort of things which automatically come on a computer."

Do you think you're very conscientious?

"Yeah, I would say so. Certain aspects of my social life I do at the last minute, like I’m always late and stuff. But when it comes to like work I tend to be quite organized, 'cause it’s quite important."
Would you say you’re easily upset or sensitive?
"Not really, no. I don’t really get upset very easily. I never cry when people die, and I always feel guilty 'cause I feel like I should be feeling more but I don’t."

Would you say you’re easily upset or sensitive?

" Yes I would, definitely, very sensitive. To me it’s very important to be nice to other people, to be polite, and so I do tend to take it personally, which is not always a good thing."
Did you know?
According to psychologists the big five personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
Language tip
The word personality also means a famous person.
Cultural tip
52% of French companies use handwriting analysis to judge the personality of job seekers, while only 1% of UK companies do.

Who’s your best friend?
I don’t have one.
You don’t have a best friend? Do you have a very good friend?
What qualities does he have?
He’s funny, he’s nice, and he's just a good friend, he’s always there if I need him.
Probably I have to say, all things considered, my girlfriend. Because I’d get in a lot oftrouble if not!
She puts up with me!
My best friend is Raz. I went to school with him since when I was 11. And we went to the same university together and we lived in the same houses together. Whenever bad things happen we always laugh about it and help each other out.

Did you know?
A survey by the State University of New York and Russia's Moscow State University for the Humanities shows that Americans consider friendship as a key part of romantic love, while Russians and Lithuanians rarely mention it.
Language tip
The idiom 'fair-weather friend' is an informal way of referring to someone who is your friend only when things are pleasant or going well for you.
Cultural tip
In Japan people bow when greeting each other. When greeting a close friend the bow is less pronounced and it might look like a brief nod of the head.

What do you look for in a relationship?
Here's what people in London said:
OK, I look for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously, who can have a bit of a laugh... also somebody who is quite good looking. I think it's important to be attracted to the person that you're with.
Being able to have a lot of fun, that's the main thing really, just being able to have a lot of fun and not getting too heavy about it basically.
Companionship, sense of fun, enjoyment - those are sort of words that come to mind immediately.

Did you know?
A survey has found that married couples live longer and enjoy better health.
Language tip
A relationship can describe mutual dealings, connections or friendships between people, groups or even countries.
Cultural tip
According to a survey, it takes the average British man three years before he proposes to his girlfriend.

Eating out
Eating insects

 To some, they may not seem very appetising.
But these bugs could be part of the solution in the fight against world hunger. That's according to the United Nations, which says two billion people already supplement their diets with edible insects.
The UN says industrial-scale insect farming could ensure future global food security

appetising something you would like to eat
bugs insects
supplement be an extra part of
edible something which can be eaten
industrial-scale very large

Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

appetising / bugs / supplement /edible /industrial-scale

1. Some experts suggest that the growth of the internet has added to the temptation to carry on working and __________ a pension income.

2. These are women who hold no degrees or qualifications in hotel management, but are trained by life to cook tasty, __________ food, quickly and without fuss
3. Traditional cheese makers in France plan to take their __________ competitors to court in a row over who can legally call their product Camembert of Normandy.

4. The research shows many of the UK's birds, __________ , butterflies and small mammals are in a "freefall decline", with last year the worst on record for breeding birds.

5. Prince Harry helped the children to construct goody bags including bouquets of roses, __________ salted dough jewellery and baked crisps.

What is best: coffee or tea?

Here's what people in London said:
Man 1: I'm a tea person 'cos firstly you can do more things with tea than coffee and apparently it's much better for your health as well 'cos coffee is quite addictive and tea isn't so much so.
 Woman 1: I know that coffee has caffeine to make you awake so I use tea as a substitute and so I use tea as my 'wake up' in the morning to get started.
Man 2: I'm more of a coffee person because coffee has a lot of caffeine; it keeps you awake at night so that's useful when you're doing your late night studies.
Woman 3: I hate the taste of coffee!

Did you know?
According to the UK Tea Council, it was the marriage of Charles II to Catherine of Braganza that established tea as a fashionable beverage, first at court in Britain and then among the wealthy classes as a whole. She was a Portuguese princess, and a tea addict.
Language tip
"Wake up and smell the coffee" is an idiom you can use when you want to tell someone to pay attention and do something about a particular serious situation.
Cultural tip
According to a survey, it takes the average British man three years before he proposes to his girlfriend.

Mass Media

How important is television in your life?

Here's what people in London said:
Telly takes about 40% of my day - watching telly, especially fashion and celebrities' lives. It's important for me because after school and work and everything I can relax in front of the telly. Definitely unwinding, relaxing.
Generally speaking, how do you feel about TV?
 Personally I don't watch that much TV, and when I do I kind of .watch the news and stuff. I think TV has conjured up like a hyper-reality and when people watch it their mind-set of things kind of changes. For instance fashion – women watch how women are on TV and stuff and then they automatically feel that oh, they want to be that kind of person, and things. I think that it has a negative effect - the negatives outweigh the positives. Generally speaking, I think TV is a great medium for communication. You've got things like comedy, factual programmes, documentaries, art programmes and then things like soap operas. It covers a broad range of interests and expression.

Did you know?
According to a survey by OFCOM, the British Media and Communications regulator, people in the US watched over 4.5 hours of TV a day, compared to people in Sweden who watched just over 2 hours a day in 2008.
Language tip
Other words for television in British English - telly, the box, the tube.
Cultural tip
The BBC TV channels which are shown in the UK do not show any advertising.


One billion don’t have enough to eat

Around one billion people in the world don’t have enough healthy food to eat, according to a new report. The 2010 Global Hunger Index shows that child malnutrition is one of the biggest causes of lifelong ill health worldwide. Ania Lichtarowicz reports:
 Despite the number of undernourished people in the world falling between 1990 and 2006, recent years have seen that number creep up, with the data from 2009 showing more than one billion hungry people. The most recent figures from 2010 suggest the number may again be falling, but this data isn't yet complete.
Twenty-nine countries - mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia - have levels of hunger described as alarming or extremely alarming. The global food price crisis and the worldwide recession have contributed to this rise, says the report. And it's children under two who are most at risk. Malnourishment at this stage harms physical and mental development and its effects are mostly irreversible, causing life long damage. The authors argue that improving child nutrition would have the biggest effect on reducing global hunger. They estimate that child malnutrition could be cut by around a third by providing improved health care and nutrition, not only to young children, but also to mothers during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Reducing the numbers of hungry people will also significantly improve productivity and economic development.

 Vocabulary and definitions

undernourished not getting enough food or starving
creep up rise slowly, almost as if it was not really noticed
crisis emergency or urgent situation
worldwide recession bad performance of economies around the world
most at risk in greatest danger or likely to experience greatest difficulty
malnourishment not having enough food to eat
irreversible cannot be changed
global hunger the number of people around the world who are starving
child malnutrition the number of children not getting enough food to be healthy and to grow
productivity output or goods created

Great Barrier Reef under Threat

A research group has arrived in Australia to investigate concerns of damage to the Great Barrier Reef. Environmentalists are demanding that all industrial development is stopped until a government check is completed. Phil Mercer reports for the BBC:
The UNESCO delegation will investigate concerns that the mining industry is damaging the Great Barrier Reef. The exploitation of oil and gas is driving industrial expansion along much of the northern Queensland coast, including plans for the world's biggest
coal port near the town of Bowen.pp
The Australian government has imposed strict guidelines to protect marine life and ensure water quality. But environmentalists want the authorities to suspend all new developments while an official review of the health of the Great Barrier Reef is carried out.
Vocabulary and definitions

delegation people sent to act as representatives
mining process of digging into the ground
expansion the process of spreading out
coal black rock used for energy
imposed put into place
marine relating to the sea
ensure make certain
suspend stop for a short time
review report into something
carried out made to happen

Koalas at Risk

A beloved symbol of Australia.
Koalas have been listed as a threatened species in some parts of the countryafter a plunge in the wild population.
Habitat loss, urban expansion, vehicle strikes, dog attacks and disease havecontributed to their dwindling numbers.
Estimates on koala numbers vary but some studies suggest there are fewer than80,000 koalas left in the wild.


Beloved         that people like a lot
Threatened    likely to become endangered
Plunge           sudden fall in number
Strikes           collisions with vehicles
Dwindling      falling


How do you feel about boxing?

Here's what people in London told us:

Well I think in France boxing is called 'the noble sport' actually - and I think it's that way. I think that their discipline is admirable
It's cool. It's a sport, which is good. But I don't really think I'd enjoy getting paid to get beaten up. Or training to beat someone else up, so yeah.
Yeah, I really hate boxing actually. I think it's really disgusting when you think about it. It's actually just like, a bunch of people, mainly men, taking pleasure in like, seeing people hit each other.Which is a bit disgusting really. You'd think with civilisation advancing as it has done, that maybe we'd have got rid of barbaric things like that.

Did you know?
Muhammad Ali is a three-time World Heavyweight Champion and many boxing historians consider him to be the best heavyweight champion ever.
Language tip
The idiom 'on the ropes' means on the verge of defeat. It refers to a boxer who has been knocked against the ropes that enclose the boxing ring and that is kept there by blows from his opponent.
Cultural tip

In boxing there is an imaginary line from the belly button to the top of the hips where a boxer is not supposed to hit. To hit below the belt is considered a behaviour that breaches the rules or decency.

What do you do to keep fit?
Here's what people in London said:
I try to get down to a gym when I can. It makes you feel good,
makes you feel confident, makes you feel fit…and it's fun!
I'll go to an exercise class when I realise I haven't done any
exercise for a while. And I feel like I should go more. Soon I go
for maybe three weeks, then I stop again.
I go mountain-climbing.
I do running.
Football and gym.
I like roller-blading.
I go jogging.

Did you know?
Overweight and obesity rates have increased steadily since the 1980s in both men and women, and according to projections by OECD, three out of four people in the most developed countries will be overweight or obese within 10 years.
Language tip
The expression 'to be fit as a fiddle' can be used to describe a person who is very healthy.
Cultural tip

Overweight welfare claimants in the US state of Arizona face paying $50 fines if they don't follow a dietary regime laid down by their doctor.

Being a Student
Culture shock for Amazon student

 From the rainforest to the concrete jungle
New York is where the son of the traditional chief of an indigenous community in Brazil has come to study. His dream is to speak English well and become a documentary film-maker.
It is a far cry from the village in the Amazon where Nilson Tuwe Huni Kui's people live.
Tuwe carries the responsibility of making his people's culture and problems known to the world.


rainforest a tropical area where it rains a lot and there are lots of trees
concrete jungle city with many buildings
indigenous community group of people who come from a particular area, and lived there before any other people
a far cry from extremely different from
responsibility obligation, duty

Use the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

rainforest / concrete jungle / indigenous community / a far cry from / responsibility

1. Primary schoolteacher Antonio Clima was with his class of 11-year-olds when the building starting shaking, bricks came loose, and a piece of the roof ledge collapsed. "I was very calm as I felt it was my __________ to be strong for the children, but they were screaming and crying. It's all been too much for them."
2. Peruvian President Ollanta Humala has approved a law giving __________ the right to be consulted about development on their lands.
3. Once a mainly desert outpost, Mecca's Grand Mosque is now encircled by a __________ made up of high-rise apartment blocks and five-star hotels.
4. The further you drive up winding roads, the worse your mobile phone signal gets. It's hard to spot a telephone tower anywhere, but for miles on end you can see emerald green paddy fields peppering the hills. It is peacefully quiet - __________ the hustle and bustle of Jakarta.
5. More than 60% of Liberia's virgin __________ has been granted to logging companies since Nobel Prize winning President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, came to power in 2006, according to a Global Witness report. It says the majority of these have been unregulated private contracts.

What was your first week at university like?

Here's what people in London said:
"First week at university was really exciting and there's so much to look forward to and so…there's a new life ahead of you and you're looking at future plans and what am I going to be doing five years from now. But generally speaking, one word to sum it up is
really, really excited about university life."
"It was so exciting to have new experiences with new friends, feeling independent and free."
"Basically I made lots of friends which helped me live sociably in London and at this university. For me it was a really great experience."
"It was exciting and I was a little bit scared as well because it was completely different for me. And I tried to get new friends and new people and I managed within a short time to get acquainted with a number of people."

Did you know?
The world's best university is Harvard, according to The Times Higher Education World University ranking.
Language tip
A 'fresher' is a new student beginning their first year at university in Britain.
Cultural tip
If someone is said to be from Oxbridge, it means they have been educated at an ancient and prestigious and privileged university (especially Oxford University or Cambridge University).

Science and Technology

How do you feel about computer games?

Here's what people in London said:
I think computer games are great, but they can take over people's lives a bit. I used to play them a lot when I was younger. PlayStation took over my life when I was a teenager for a bit
I used to play them when I was younger, but they take up so so so much time.

Which computer games do you play?
I used to have a Sega Mega Drive and I had a GameBoy and a PlayStation. …like PlayStation games - GameBoy, Pokémon, Spyro.
I played StarCraft, which is a real-time strategy game.

Did you know?
The world's first video game was probably 'Tennis for Two' created in 1958 by a physicist called William Higinbotham.
Language tip
The word 'noob' (sometimes written n00b) means a newcomer or beginner in online games. It is often used as an insult.
Cultural tip
Gamers can role play working in a refugee camp, dealing with global warming or bringing up a family in poverty.

Train of the future

One day, this could be the world's fastest train.
Using magnets to float above the track, the maglev can reach speeds of over 500 kilometres per hour (500km/h).
Ministers in Japan have called it "world-class" technology.
The venture cost billions of US dollars, though some hope the technology could be sold to overseas markets.
But don't turn up at the station any time soon. The train isn't expected to open its doors to passengers until 2027.


magnets objects which can attract iron or steel objects and also push them away
world-class of international quality; one of the best in the world
venture a business activity which involves risk
overseas relating to other countries
turn up arrive


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

magnets / world-class / venture / overseas / turn up

1. Mr Gondwe says his business is good: "I used to sell radios but that was not a profitable business. That's why I switched to selling underwear and this is a much more rewarding __________."
2. "If people fail to __________ for interviews or refuse a job offer for no good reason they will face losing their benefit. It is because of this we have introduced tough new penalties for those claimants who refuse to play by the rules."
3. __________ inside mobile phone cases and GPS devices and also the metal in car keys and under-wired bras could affect compass needles, the MCofS warned.
4. "A weak currency won't necessarily lead to a crisis. But, if it makes it harder to pay for a deficit that is owed to __________ creditors, that's when it could become a problem."
5. Stephen Duncan, director of commercial and tourism at Historic Scotland, said: "Stirling Castle is a __________ attraction which draws visitors from across the globe, so I am delighted to see it recognised as one of the 40 best experiences in Europe."

Space robot

This is Japan's latest astronaut.
Kirobo the robot was exposed to zero gravity before being blasted into space. Its destination: the International Space Station.
The tiny android has been sent into orbit as a companion for Japan's human space traveller.
Its creator says Kirobo's most important skill is that it can mimic human emotions. He wants its sense of compassion to help lonely astronauts during their stay in space.


blasted   movement which started with an explosion
android   robot that looks like a human
orbit   route of an object around a planet or star
mimic   imitate
compassion   awareness of the suffering of others


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

blasted / android / orbit / mimic / compassion

1. The European Space Agency (Esa) is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its Mars Express mission. Launched on 2 June 2003, the probe went into __________ around the Red Planet in the December of that year.
2. "All I can say is it makes you proud to be a human being when people show that kind of __________."
3. A Chinese rocket carrying a probe destined for the Moon has __________ into space. A Long March 3C rocket with the Chang'e-2 probe took off from Xichang launch centre at about 1100 GMT.
4. The story of __________ on the silver screen cannot pass without mention of three contemporary classics: The replicants rebelling against their pre-programmed demise in Blade Runner (1982); Arnold Schwarzenegger's gun-toting turn as 2029-vintage cyborg in The Terminator (1984); and Peter Weller as officer Alex J Murphy's alter ego in the dystopic Detroit of RoboCop (1987).
5. A diabetes pill has anti-ageing effects and extends the life of male mice, research suggests. Scientists believe the drug, metformin, may __________ the effects of extreme calorie restriction.

Web sites

2.      http://bbc.in/1aVt6G1
3.       http://bbc.in/1dMJImV
5.      http://bbc.in/rai6G8
7.       http://bbc.in/YVkQ6k
9.      http://bbc.in/mXuk42

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